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Rowan Willow Winters

Age: 43OCUPPATION: Writer/Artist, Sometime-Shifter, energy healer and practitioner/non-degreed Peer Mentor for people with chronic pain or illness. Currently unemployed and seeking SSDI, appeal number 1, submissions 2.Copy Writing: Copy wrote for The Broadside for a semester at George Mason University. But have experience editing others' writing on and off over the years.Discords I Moderate: Chronically Ill CatsFAN: MCU, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies, Star Wars UniverseREIKI HEALER - General, Pain Specialist, working with Archangel Gabriel, mostly.SIGIL MAKER - Artist (Open!)REDDIT: SingsEnochianPMs/DMs and Chats totally accepted. If we're in a server together, please ping me on that server before DMing me! Thanks!